Today, I thought I would fill you in a little more about me.
I am a freshman at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan.
I am Pre-Med.
All I know is that, someday, I want to deliver babies and work with sex trafficking recovery. Someday.
But beyond that (or rather before that), I really didn't know what I wanted to study...Med school doesn't care what your major is, as long as you fulfill the undergraduate requirements for entry...So that didn't offer much help deciding.
Like so many others, I'm just a confused college student. 
I'm a fitness fanatic, so something in the heath/sports world makes sense.
I thought I wanted to be an athletic trainer...or not. 
Then maybe Sports Science! (Which is where I made this professional webpage and blog.)
Now, after doing a little research, I have decided to major in Health & Fitness Management, so I can help others be fitness fanatics too! Yay!
Will this change of mind be permanent? Who knows. But right now, I feel like I'm headed in the right direction. I'm content with my decision, current path, and looking forward to next semester's courses.
But if I change my mind, hey! I change my mind. No big deal. After all, this is my future we're talking about here...It has to be the right decision.

Be vibrant.

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