A couple summers ago, I volunteered as an assistant coach for a youth soccer league in my area. It was lots of fun and I got to chase kids around and attempt to teach 4 & 5 year old's how to play soccer. Whether they learned anything or not is irrelevant, they were moving & getting active while I had the opportunity to share something I have grown to love since I was their age.

Throughout the summer, I found it very interesting to observe the aspects of the kids' health besides their playing: What they ate before practice, what they drank during a game, and what they where rewarded with after activity. 
I saw a lot of Bug Juice (yuck!), some but not enough water, Gatorade here and there, McDonald's before practice (bleh!), LOTS of pop, and then a Blue Bunny Drumstick from the ice cream truck after a game.

Oh boy...

What are their parents thinking? In an age where obesity is becoming and epidemic and the main cause of so many life threatening diseases, you would think parents would take more care of what is going in their children's mouths. 

Yes! I commend you for facilitating your child's participation in organized sports. Yes! Good job at getting them moving. Congratulations at getting them away from the video games and TV. 

BUT... (that's a big but)

Providing them with the proper nutrition and hydration before, after, during exercise and well...all the time can increase fat burn, muscle growth and positive energy in a child's life.
Have you ever heard the fitness phrase: 'Abs are made in the kitchen'?
Well, it's not just for adults trying to lose weight. The rule applies just as much to your children who you should be helping to keep the weight off!

Childhood is the best to educate kids about their health and get them active. They have had less time than adults to build stubborn and life-altering habits, and are very easily influenced by the people, images, food, and energy around them. 

Obesity can be fought. And the battle needs to start my raising healthy, active children.


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